ORA-28002 : the password will expire within 7 days
The default user policy is that password expires in 180 days. We can check the settings with below statement:
SELECT * FROM dba_profiles s WHERE s.profile='DEFAULT' AND resource_name='PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME';
It is not suitable for application user. We need to disable the default password expiry policy:
SELECT * FROM dba_profiles s WHERE s.profile='DEFAULT' AND resource_name='PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME';
It is not suitable for application user. We need to disable the default password expiry policy:
- Confirm the profile name which the concerned user uses:
sql>select username,account_status,expiry_date,profile from dba_users where username='USERNAME';USERNAME ACCOUNT_STATUS EXPIRY_DA------------------------------ -------------------------------- ---------PROFILE------------------------------username EXPIRED 10-MAR-14DEFAULT - as the password life time is set from PROFILE, we check the 'DEFAULT' profile current setting and it has been already set to unlimited.SQL> select * from dba_profiles s where s.profile='DEFAULT' and resource_name='PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME';PROFILE RESOURCE_NAME RESOURCE------------------------------ -------------------------------- --------LIMIT----------------------------------------DEFAULT PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME PASSWORDUNLIMITED
- If the password life time is not unlimited, change the password expiry date to unlimited:
sql>ALTER PROFILE DEFAULT LIMIT PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME UNLIMITED; - For the expired username/password, the above change will not be effective. We need to update the password again (can use the same password). There will be no more error next time:
$sqlplus / as sysdbaSQL> alter user username identified by XXXXX; ß (If the password string contain special character, use “ ” to quote the whole string) - Verify the user status from dba_users to make sure the user status is open and there is no expiry date:SQL> select username,account_status, expiry_date,profile from dba_users where username='USERNAME';USERNAME ACCOUNT_STATUS EXPIRY_DA------------------------------ -------------------------------- ---------PROFILE------------------------------username OPENDEFAULT