Stress Management
Belle Beth Cooper, How Stress Can Change the Size of Our Brains and What We Can Do to Lower It, 2013-09-03
Good and bad effect of stress
- Stress is bad if too much.
- Prolonged stress will physical change your brain, such as reduce of hippocampus.
- Too much stress: negatively affects learning, attention span and memory.
- Too much stress -> increase adrenaline -> maximize running and running power -> reduces our fine motor skills
- Too much stress -> affect digestion
- eating well can actually positively impact how we cope with stress
- Stress makes us sick: up to 90% of all illness and disease is stress-related.
- meditation, exercising and relaxation have been shown to reverse the negative effects of stress
- Organizing your life: daily or weekly planner,
- physically re-organize your work-place for a better sense of calm
- “Prioritize until it hurts.”
- multitasking is not something that’s actually possible.
- take five minutes and rank the items on your to-do list in order of importance.
- Delegate: support other people to do things right.
- delegating with very clear, specific suggestions
- Focus: one thing at a time
Todo List
- Break project into task
- Prioritize
- Plan ahead - list 6 most important tasks daily
- Be realistics