Add Custom Resolution to ATI/AMD Display Card

Update at 2013/03/29: New AMD Display Driver (Catalyst 13.1) has built-in 1366 x 768 and 1360 x 768 resolution readily available.  It works on my Windows 8 64 bit testing environment.  Therefore, the below hacking may not need anymore.

Sometimes, you have non-standard resolution (e.g. 1366 x 768) and it is not available in the Windows.

For all monitor/display adapter, you can uncheck "Hide modes that this monitor cannot display".  The below steps are for Windows 8.

  1. Right click the Desktop.  Select "Screen Resolution"
  2. Click "Advanced settings"
  3. Select "Monitor" tab.  Then uncheck "Hide modes that this monitor cannot display".  Click [Apply] to save the settings.
  4. Select "Adapters" tab.  Click "List All Modes".  You will now have more resolution to be selected.

    Then you will have more resolution available for your selection

If the above steps cannot solve your problem.  You may try the below method.  (use with cautions)

For AMD/ATI display card users, you can try this:
  1. Open registry editor (Windows - Run - REGEDIT)
  2. Go to:
  3. Search for the "Value" of "DALNonStandardModesBCD1"
  4. It is a binary key.  There should be some customer resolution already defined.  Create a new line at the bottom. 
  5. Enter the resolution in the new line as hex value e.g. 13 66 07 68 00 00 00 60 for 1366 x 768 resolution.
  6. Press OK.
  7. Reboot the computer to see if it works.
For some computers, you may need the below extra steps
  1. Open the registry key same as above.
  2. Search for the value "DALR6 CRT2" (for some driver, it will use "DALR6 CRT")
  3. See if it is available.  Please check if there are already custom value defined.  e.g. DALR6 CRT21360x765x0x60
  4. Add a new registry binary key, with your custom resolution as the key value.  e.g. DALR6 CRT 21366x768x0x60 for 1366 x 768 60 Hz.
  5. Enter 48 x "00" for the data.  You may refer to other DALR6 CRT* value for reference.
  6. Repeat step 2 to 5 for  "DALR6 DFPI2" (for some driver, it will use "DALR6 DFPI")

Special Notes for MAG 32" TF3710

Try 1360 x 768 instead of 1366 x 768 in order to have correct display aspect
