Access Avaya CMS database via ODBC link
there is a linked server on our SQL server to Avaya Call Management System (CMS), we can make use of the link server to
directly get CMS data:
The below samples assumes that you have a correctly setup ODBC connection and linked server at SQL server. Therefore, we can use SQL query inside the SQL server via the Linked Server.
1. User the link server directly:
select top 1000 * from cmsserver.cms.root.hagent
2. For some tables, you need to use OPENQUERY() to enhance the query speed:
3. The time presented at the DB is in UNIX time. We may use the below SQL statement to convert UNIX time to SQL time
The below samples assumes that you have a correctly setup ODBC connection and linked server at SQL server. Therefore, we can use SQL query inside the SQL server via the Linked Server.
1. User the link server directly:
select top 1000 * from cmsserver.cms.root.hagent
2. For some tables, you need to use OPENQUERY() to enhance the query speed:
declare @sql nvarchar(1000)
declare @sql1 nvarchar(1000)
set @sql = N'SELECT * FROM hsplit WHERE row_date = TODAY'
set @sql1 = 'select * from OPENQUERY ( cmsserver ''' + @sql + ''') order by row_date, starttime'
print @sql1
exec sp_executesql @sql1
3. The time presented at the DB is in UNIX time. We may use the below SQL statement to convert UNIX time to SQL time
select login_datetime = dateadd(ss,login,'1970-01-01'),
-- convert UNIX time to SQL time
logout_datetime = dateadd(ss,logout,'1970-01-01'),
-- convert UNIX
time to SQL time
OPENQUERY ( cmsserver, 'SELECT * FROM haglog WHERE
row_date = TODAY')
order by logid, seq_num
-- for row_date, you may need to use
MM/DD/YY format in OPENQUERY()
-- TODAY is the Informix SQL function to
Table definition:
Avaya™ Call Management System (CMS)
Open Database Connectivity
Other useful SQL for CMS:
Hourly Split information
SELECT [row_date]
,case when acdcalls > 0 then acdtime / acdcalls else 0 end as Avg_Talk_Time
,case when acdcalls > 0 then acwtime / acdcalls else 0 end as Avg_ACW_Time
,(i_stafftime + i_availtime + i_acdtime + i_acwtime + i_acwouttime + i_acwintime + i_auxtime + i_auxouttime + i_auxintime + i_othertime) /60.00/60 as Av_Pos_Stf
FROM [conso_hsplit]
WHERE row_date = '2013-02-19'
and split = 100
--and starttime = 1100
order by starttime